Thursday, July 16, 2015


When Hudson was 2 months old I placed him on a waiting list for the daycare center on Base. When I started back to work in February I followed up on his place, and was told that he was 1st on the part time wait list, and 7th on the full time wait list. A couple of months ago Todd and I went over to the center to have a tour, and felt as though it would be a good fit for Hudson there, so we agreed to start him in September should they have a spot...however, yesterday the Family Resource Center on the Base called and said that they had a full time spot for him beginning the week of July 27th! an entire month before I actually anticipated him starting.  I instantly felt sick to my stomach with anxiety, I have never had to send a child to actual daycare, I have always been so fortunate to have family be able to watch Loralai and Hudson up until now, so this experience is brand new for me.

I am worried about him adapting to such a different environment , although he has always proven to be a great adaptor since day one, so I am sure he will be fine! There are also going to be kids there around his own age (this room is 18m-2.5yrs) and he loves kids! They feed them breakfast, lunch, and two snacks...I am a little worried about this since he is still not a huge fan of food, so I will pack him his purees and yogurt melts (and formula), although I am hoping for a little positive peer pressure to help get him interested in regular food.

So I also panicked because I did not have everything I planned to have for him yet, so I ordered mini name labels last night, and I purchased this adorable backpack for him to take each day with him, and I will also be ordering the matching lunch bag online tonight too.

So next week he starts two days to help get him introduced , and then like I mentioned earlier he will start FT the following week. I will play it by year, and if I find that he needs a slower introduction, I may only send him 3 days, and then the next week 4, and just work our way up to 5.

Wish us luck...I have a feeling that next Tuesday will be much rougher on me then it will be on Hudson!

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